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Aero-Dienst   (Germany)

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News from Business Air News
Aero-Dienst presses ahead with service improvements
December 10, 2024
With its main location at the 24/7 airport in Nuremberg, Aero-Dienst offers its international customers a high degree of availability and flexibility. It has teamed up with an Indian firm and has received AOG approvals.
Aero-Dienst agrees to European engine repair and AOG support for TES
August 30, 2024
This will provide even more flexible service for business jets based in Europe that are equipped with TFE731-series and HTF7000-series engines, as well as APUs from the GTCP36-100/150 and RE100/220 series.
Aero-Dienst authorised for HTF7000 nacelle maintenance
June 3, 2024
This authorisation strengthens Honeywell's service network in the Europe, Middle East, Africa and India region, offering operators of HTF7000-powered business jets increased access to qualified maintenance.
May 29, 2024Aero-Dienst to advise on battery eCTOL concept
May 28, 2024Aero-Dienst expands line maintenance portfolio to Phenom 300s
April 19, 2024Aero-Dienst renews Dassault ASC agreement
March 20, 2024Aero-Dienst expands square footage in Vienna
December 19, 2023Aero-Dienst celebrates 30 years as designated P&WC service provider
December 8, 2023Aero-Dienst makes a change to leadership duo
July 14, 2023Aero-Dienst broadens its satcom options with Viasat
June 23, 2023Aero-Dienst celebrates first Challenger 3500 delivery to Europe
May 28, 2023Aero-Dienst and AMAC pick up R-R network status
December 13, 2022Ebach takes up CEO role at Aero-Dienst
May 30, 2022GE extends Aero-Dienst service centre authorisation
December 21, 2021Aero-Dienst Vienna celebrates fifteen years of operations
August 11, 2021ISTAR Falcon 2000LX to shine under Aero-Dienst's wing
April 25, 2021Aero-Dienst to perform Part 145 tasks at Oberpfaffenhofen
December 9, 2020Bombardier honours Aero-Dienst with ASF award
December 7, 2020PWC calls on South Pole to offset members' carbon
October 3, 2020Correia to boost customer relations at Aero-Dienst
July 31, 2020Aero-Dienst keeps life raft overhauls afloat
June 7, 2020Aero-Dienst mobile team pushes on with repair work
November 5, 2019Aero-Dienst clocks up 300 PRIs for P&W
April 2, 2019ADS-B Out solution for Learjet 60 keeps downtime low
October 30, 2018Bombardier hosts annual awards for the great and the good
June 12, 2018Aero-Dienst turns 60 and swells Challenger fleet
February 7, 2018­­­­Aero-Dienst opens line station at Klagenfurt
June 7, 2017Aero-Dienst Vienna receives Falcon ASC approval
April 20, 2017Ebach heads up maintenance at Aero-Dienst
July 8, 2009Me & My Aircraft: Learjet 31A clients favour speed over cabin size
September 29, 2008Aero-Dienst to hire more staff as expansion continues
February 27, 2008Fleet modernisation pays off for Aero-Dienst
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