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MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
Completion services in North America

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Duncan Aviation
Duncan Aviation is a maintenance and repair organization supporting the aviation needs of government and business operators worldwide. Services include airframe and engine inspections, major retrofits for cabin and cockpit systems, full paint and completions, and aircraft sales and acquisitions.

Duncan Aviation also has aircraft components solutions experts available 24/7/365 to handle any aircraft system problem with immediate exchanges, rotables, loaners or avionics/instrument/accessory/propeller repairs and overhauls. Complete service facilities are located in Nebraska, Michigan and Provo.

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Related service & supplier categories

Manufacturers and suppliers of cabin management systems (CMS).
Specialists in the manufacture, installation and repair of cabin monuments and panels for business aircraft interiors.
Suppliers of cutlery, crockery, glassware, pillows, blankets, toiletries and other products designed for passenger comfort and use.
Specialists in the manufacture, installation and repair of cabinets, tables, dividers and other cabin furniture for business aircraft.
Companies offering completions and interior refurbishment oversight and management services to business aircraft owners and operators worldwide. More detailed listings of completions centres with their own dedicated in-house facilities can be found by returning to the section home page and using the above search engine.
Manufacturers and installers of air, water and waste systems for business aircraft that offer conditioning, humidification, purification, heating and sanitation.
Suppliers of flooring panels and carpets for business aircraft interiors.
Suppliers of and aftermarket support for galley equipment, such as ovens, refrigerators and beverage makers for business aircraft interiors.
Manufacturers, designers, suppliers and installers of galleys for business aircraft.
Manufacturers and suppliers of acoustic, thermal and fire suppression and proofing sytems for business aircraft.
Providers of design services for luxury aircraft and other business aircraft cabin interiors.
Suppliers, installers and manufacturers of cabin lighting systems for business aircraft.
Companies that manufacture, distribute or install toilets, sinks, showers and other lavatory equipment for business aircraft.
Decorative veneers, finishes and metal plating, along with finishing and renovation services for business aircraft interiors.
Manufacturers, installers and refurbishers of chairs, divans, seating and associated upholstery for business aircraft interiors.
Companies that manufacture, supply, repair and maintain windows, window coverings, shades, blinds, windshields and other transparencies for business aircraft.