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Bombardier Aircraft Services (Wichita)   (U.S.A.)

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News from Business Air News
CAE accelerates maintenance training for Bombardier techs
November 13, 2024
CAE’s modular solution, developed for Bombardier, will reduce training time by consolidating courses for an entire aircraft family since they share many components and features.
Bombardier tasks DART with aircraft recorder data downloading
September 22, 2023
Bombardier introduces upgrade for Vision-equipped Globals
August 31, 2023
Wichita assumes the role of Bombardier US headquarters
April 24, 2022
Bombardier's footprint in Wichita includes an expanding service centre that supports Bombardier's entire family of Learjet, Challenger and Global jets. The site also continues to operate its leading flight test centre.
October 22, 2021Bombardier and Signature combine talents for clients
August 17, 2021Bombardier and Rolls-Royce work to serve Global customers
May 21, 2021Bombardier service centres singled out for Diamond praise
June 18, 2019GE approves Tianjin service centre for Passport and CF34-3
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