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Tamarack back on track with winglet installations
Jet owner Wick Zimmerman says that adding Tamarack winglets is like adding on the capabilities of another aircraft, for a fraction of the cost. Tamarack is back in business after flight restrictions were lifted.
Active Winglet installations have resumed for Tamarack Aerospace Group.

Tamarack Aerospace has resumed installations of its Active Winglet system. Tamarack's Active Winglets are now being installed on a CitationJet (CJ1) at its facility in Sandpoint, Idaho. This is the first installation since the lifting of flight restrictions imposed on the fleet by an Airworthiness Directive (AD).

The jet's owner is Wick Zimmerman, a pilot of 30 years. “I've been considering this purchase since my first test flight with Tamarack's founder, Nick Guida. I fly a CJ1 across the country for business, volunteer work and pleasure. It's been a great aircraft, but I need more range and increased payload,” he says. “Adding Tamarack Active Winglets is like getting the capability of another aircraft for a fraction of the cost.”

Safety is a top concern for Zimmerman, an engineer. He feels very comfortable with the engineering behind Tamarack Active Winglets. “Before I made my decision, I made the time to talk to a few pilots that I knew and respected. I've studied the technology, and it's innovative and sound,” he continues. “I do my own homework.” On that topic, Nick Guida, Tamarack founder and CEO, comments: “The fact that the resolution to the AD was incorporating the preexisting service bulletins we provided to customers at no cost starting 18 months ago is an example of our commitment to safety and to our customers.”

Tamarack president Jacob Klinginsmith says that the Active Winglets offer unique value: “Our customers appreciate the fuel efficiency, increased range, ride smoothing, stability, improved performance, and increased ramp appeal.”

“In the last few weeks Tamarack has taken three deposits and scheduled two installations with more sales in the pipeline,” said Nick Guida. “We are also working with our nine US and seven international service centres to support their sales and installation efforts.”

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