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Farnborough hub is only the beginning for Voluxis
Voluxis now has four offices around the world, at Farnborough, Biggin Hill, Singapore and Dubai. The company views Farnborough as an ideal location full of promise, and it is also experiencing plenty of interest in Asia.
Voluxis CEO Warren Gravell is full of confidence for the months ahead.

Following the opening of management and charter company Voluxis' new headquarters in the main terminal at Farnborough airport, CEO Warren Gravell is highlighting the importance of this investment and the focus on growth in 2025.

He states: “We've moved into a fabulous suite of offices now here at Farnborough, with a prominent position in the main terminal building. We see Farnborough as the best private jet airport in the world from a travellers' point of view, and we can work effectively with a plethora of high-end providers that are on our doorstep. The professionalism of the establishment has attracted the likes of Gulfstream and Bombardier, which are also based here, as well as several maintenance providers.

“We currently have four offices around the world, at Farnborough, Biggin Hill, Singapore and Dubai. Farnborough and Biggin Hill are the main hubs for the operation, but we are also increasing our focus on Singapore and Dubai this year. We will have a new aircraft in Dubai coming on board in the coming weeks, and we have gathered a lot of interest in the region with enquiries from other owners, so we'll be looking to capitalise on that in the next couple of months.”

He views Singapore as another interesting region for Voluxis, as there are many management companies in Asia. “I think what we're showing with our office at the new Bombardier facility at Seletar, is that we are positioning ourselves front and centre and really competing for the business.”

The company's plan this year is to grow sustainably and ensure it has the capacity for growth in the right regions. Gravell concludes: “We want to capitalise on Europe, and we want to add a European AOC. We will be looking to continue to expand our operations in Dubai, Asia and, possibly, beyond. I think right now we're on the cusp of change at Voluxis, which will offer all sorts of opportunities over the coming year and beyond.”

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