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Diamond DA62

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Diamond brings in Guardian for enhanced surveillance missions
The DA62 MPP Guardian blends ultra-high-definition imaging with the latest in real-time augmented reality mapping, while offering unrivalled communication and data transmission capabilities.
The DA62 MPP Guardian airborne reconnaissance platform is designed to strengthen law enforcement, border patrol, maritime surveillance and other vital governmental missions.

Diamond Aircraft is proud to introduce the DA62 MPP Guardian, an airborne reconnaissance platform designed to strengthen law enforcement, border patrol, maritime surveillance and other vital governmental missions. Leveraging the exceptional performance and cost-efficiency of Diamond's market-leading DA62 aircraft, the DA62 MPP Guardian blends ultra-high-definition imaging with the latest in real-time augmented reality mapping, while offering unrivalled communication and data transmission capabilities.

“We are truly excited to unveil our DA62 MPP Guardian, the latest configuration in our pathbreaking DA62 MPP range. The Guardian is a significant step up in airborne surveillance technology, set to deliver comprehensive solutions for governmental intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions,” says Markus Fischer, director of Diamond Aircraft's special mission division. “The Guardian has proven what it's capable of on a number of recent test flights.”

The DA62 MPP Guardian is equipped with Shotover's M2 EO/IR camera system, which provides high-performance video imaging via a 4K Ultra HD sensor. The M2 can be switched seamlessly between electro-optical and infrared modes, ensuring optimal performance in any range of challenging environmental conditions, and its unique six-axis gimbal offers exceptional stability and precision.

The Guardian also includes Shotover's next-generation Augmented Reality System (ARS): multi-mission mapping software that overlays street names, addresses, infrastructure, vehicle locations and other critical information directly onto sensor video in real time. ARS combines all relevant mission information onto a single display, allowing tactical flight officers to focus entirely on their mission rather than dividing their attention between multiple screens. The system's intuitive design supports various map data display options and new interface controls based on customer feedback.

In addition, this advanced aircraft features the UDT-04 airborne transmitter from SVP Aerospace, which supports various video formats and can send ultra-high definition 4K video distances of over 150km with minimal delay, typically using a secure private network. Its two-way 4G radio with encrypted data transmission allows operators to control the airborne camera from the ground or transmit video in areas without line-of-sight coverage.

For communication beyond line-of-sight, the DA62 MPP Guardian has its own STC for carrying a large satellite uplink radome. This modification allows the installation of different types of satellite antennas, covering different bands, manufacturers and satellite providers.

The Guardian brand serves to highlight the extraordinary capabilities of Diamond's DA62 MPP special mission aircraft when configured for governmental ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) activities. The DA62 MPP is a versatile airborne platform that builds on the competitive advantages of Diamond Aircraft's renowned DA62 model: simple aircraft handling and Diamond's unmatched safety record; Jet-A fuelled diesel engines that ensure the lowest operating costs by class; a low noise and IR signature due to the engines' on-top exhaust system; superb aerodynamics; and immunity to corrosion provided by the aircraft's all-composite structure.

Beyond ISR, additional use cases for the DA62 MPP include search and rescue, disaster management, environmental monitoring, photogrammetry and aerial survey, and airborne laser scanning.

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