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Growing Blue Line opens new training facility
The doors are open at Blue Line's new flight training facility in Smithfield, North Carolina. It is home to a growing fleet of Diamond aircraft and a brand-new Diamond simulator.
Blue Line’s brand-new Diamond simulator at its Johnson Regional airport facility.

North Carolina-based flight training provider Blue Line Aviation has celebrated the grand opening of its $16 million facility at Johnston Regional airport in Smithfield. It features a brand-new DA40/DA42 convertible Diamond simulator.

“Our new multimillion dollar facility at Johnston Regional airport and supply of the best in industry featured aircraft from Diamond will enable the growth and expansion of Blue Line Aviation's vision of high quality accelerated flight training,” says president Rich Laviano.

The FAA CFR 14 Part 60 Level 5 certified convertible simulation device sits in a custom-built room in the new 50,000 sq ft headquarters building and is part of one of the largest fleet orders in Diamond Aircraft history. In March 2021 the two companies inked a firm order for 50 single engine DA40 NGs and twin engine DA42-VIs as well as a Diamond simulator, with an option for up to 50 additional aircraft.

“It has been impressive to witness the growth at Blue Line Aviation,” adds Diamond Aircraft head of sales and marketing Annemarie Mercedes Heikenwälder. “The team has made tremendous progress, and we are proud to partner with them and continue to support their operation.”

The new flight training facility features hangar space, a professional pilot training centre, a rooftop barbecue restaurant with a terrace, a custom simulator room, an operations and dispatch centre, flight briefing rooms and administrative offices.

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