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Albinati and Portside partnership is one year in
During the past year Portside has focused on helping Albinati deliver excellent service to the aircraft management and charter operator's owners via its Owner Portal, which offers a full operational overview.
The personal space of Owner Portal has increased efficiency.
Read this story in our January 2021 printed issue.

Swiss-based Albinati Aeronautics is celebrating one year of partnership with San Franciscan business aviation software developer Portside. During the past year Portside has focused on helping Albinati deliver excellent service to the aircraft management and charter operator's owners via its branded Owner Portal. This personal space offers its users a full overview of all aspects of their aircraft including operations, booked or flown flights, financial and operational reporting and income generated. In addition, Albinati’s team benefits from increased efficiency and cross-department situational awareness.

“The quality of service and personal attention is the cornerstone of everything we do. For us, the true value lies in the ability to be a differentiator and have a competitive edge against other operators; this includes utilising the best technology. And with Portside’s innovative solutions can we offer our clients a truly unique and modern aircraft owner experience through a comprehensive dashboard,” says Stefano Albinati, CEO and president, Albinati Aeronautics.

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