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MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
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Coleman moderates key panel at Aviation Africa
David Coleman's brought his familiarity and understanding of cross border transactions to the Aviation Africa 2023 expo as panel moderator for a discussion of sales and acquisitions on the continent.
David Coleman moderates a panel on business aviation investment at the Aviation Africa 2023 expo.

David Coleman, president of aircraft brokerage Coleman Jet Solutions, has lent his expertise as a key panel moderator at the Aviation Africa 2023 expo that took place recently in Abuja, Nigeria.

The title of the panel was 'Investing in Business Aviation: Business Aircraft Sales and Acquisitions in Africa'. Panelists were all prominent figures in African business aviation. Coleman has over 35 years of expertise and knowledge in cross border transactions, allowing him to swiftly foster dialogues among the panelists. He proposed insightful questions prompting panelists to dive deep into the fundamental challenges in the African market.

Coleman has always been an avid supporter of educating people regarding the business aviation market and the nuances of aircraft transactions. β€œIt is an honour to be invited to such an important event that influences business aviation," he says. "My team at Coleman Jet Solutions is dedicated to offering our clients optimal solutions in aircraft transactions. This makes our familiarity and understanding of cross border transactions crucial: it provides our clients more options when considering aircraft acquisitions and consignments.”.

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