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NASA awards Polaris small business funding
The integration of AI into Polaris' VOCUS safety platform will provide next-generation capabilities to help transform aviation from a compliance-based industry into one that's intelligence-based.

Polaris Aero has received a NASA Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award in support of NASA's System-Wide Safety Project within the Airspace Operations and Safety Program. With the award, Polaris will research the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into its cloud-based VOCUS Safety Intelligence Platform.

The goal of the project is to better understand AI's ability to accurately identify hidden hazards and provide a more proactive and predictive approach to safety. The project will ultimately increase the safety capabilities of Polaris Aero's VOCUS Safety Intelligence Platform and NASA's In-Time Aviation Safety Management System.

“We are excited to be partnering with NASA,” says co-founder and CEO Chris Connor. “The integration of AI into our VOCUS safety platform will provide next-generation capabilities to help transform aviation from a compliance-based industry into one that's intelligence-based.”

The SBIR programme was established by Congress in 1982 and provides competitive, award-based resources that enable small businesses to develop new technologies and facilitate commercialising innovation. Polaris Aero has received previous SBIR awards with the U.S. Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and AFWERX, a technology directorate of the AFRL and the innovation arm of the US Air Force.

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