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Cryptocurrency payments become an option for FAI clients
Following requests from clients, and having done some research of its own, FAI is to accept cryptocurrency as a payment option. It is fast and efficient, and not limited to banking hours.
FAI clients can now pay with Bitcoin or Ether.
Read this story in our February 2023 printed issue.

Nuremberg, Germany-headquartered FAI Aviation Group now accepts major cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ether as an additional method of payment across all its global services.

Cryptocurrency has progressively gained popularity as a legitimate form of payment in business aviation, affording a secure way to make transactions without sharing sensitive financial information. As a result, more and more businesses are accepting the digital currency. In turn, FAI hopes its decision will enable it to widen its customer base as well as help existing customers by offering greater choice when paying for their aviation services.

Chairman and founder Siegfried Axtmann says: “FAI is a forward-thinking business, and following requests from clients and following our own research, we decided to accept cryptocurrency as an additional payment option. Cryptocurrency offers a fast, secure and efficient alternative that is not limited to the hours when the banks are open. We anticipate our customers will appreciate the choice and that it will help give our business a competitive edge.”

FAI anticipates record sales across the business for 2022, with consolidated group revenues of more than 120 million euros. The group expects to see a more moderate growth forecast at 8-10 per cent per annum over the next five years.

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