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Meravo gains first H125 training device in Germany
The Airbus H125 training device is situated at Moravo's simulator centre in the heart of Germany. It enables H125 pilots to receive credits towards a CPL, type ratings, and licence and operator proficiency checks.
The VR training device has a 360° 3D panoramic view and a highly dynamic motion system.

After Switzerland and Norway, Germany has become the third country to receive an EASA qualified Airbus H125 FTD Level 3 with the installation of the device at Meravo Helicopters' home base in Oedheim. The virtual reality based device used for professional pilot training and checking is developed and built by VRM Switzerland. Like those already in other countries, this FTD will enable Meravo Helicopters to execute licence and proficiency checks in a realistic environment to improve flight safety.

Once Meravo had decided to invest in a future oriented concept, the implementation was performed in close cooperation with the VRM Switzerland's own Flight Simulation Training Device Organisation (FSTDO). The companies planned the construction of a modern simulator centre at Meravo's home base. The entire qualification process was taken over by the FSTDO team. This has the big advantage that operators do not have to acquire the complex know how needed to qualify and run an FSTD under EASA regulation.

“We are proud to offer helicopter operators and flight schools such a service, enabling them to put a qualified simulator into operation in a short time. It is always an enriching collaboration to realise these projects with the helicopter specialists,” says VRM CEO Fabi Riesen.

The VRM training device enables H125 pilots to receive credits towards a CPL, type ratings, as well as licence and operator proficiency checks.

“In contrast to the real helicopter, emergency procedures can be trained and executed realistically on the Airbus approved device. This is completely without any risk in an optimal learning environment and is more cost efficient and even environmentally friendly,” he adds. This is in addition to weather and daytime independent planning.

Training modules for the pilot's needs

The VR training device with its 360° 3D panoramic view and a highly dynamic motion system enables the execution of realistic scenario-based training to improve pilot competencies. VRM customers will benefit from the latest developments, and Meravo has also received the recently implemented demonstration and upset recovery module. Training to prevent and recover from inadvertent instrumental meteorological conditions (IIMC) and a vortex ring state recovery lesson complement the applications. “All aviation experts confirm the benefit of our training solution to enhancing flight safety, if the pilots train targeted on the device,” Riesen concludes.

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