Why visit ACE ’24?
MT-Propeller Entwicklung has received a revision of the FAA STC SA03525NY for installing the five-blade MTV-27-1-(E,N)-C-F-R(P)/CFR260-65b Quiet Fan Jet propeller on the Beech King Air 300/350 series powered by P&WC PT6A-60A /-67A engines. The STC is now also valid for the Beech King Air 300/350 with a MTOW up to 17,636 lbs. This installation is also certified by EASA STC 10050861 R4.
According to MT-Propeller president Gerd Muehlbauer, the installation of the five-blade MT-Propeller on the Beech King Air 300/350 series provides best vibration damping characteristics for almost vibration free propeller operation; has bonded on nickel alloy leading edges for for superior erosion protection of the blades; provides a general performance improvement (eight per cent take off and climb, 4-5 kts cruise); has no propeller speed restrictions on ground while operating in low idle; has more ground clearance for less FODs; has lower ITTs during start-up for less engine wear; provides a significant cabin noise and vibration reduction; has an unbeatable aesthetic ramp appeal; has no life limitation; has FOD repairable blades; and has the longest industry TBO of 4,500 hours/six years
All models comply with the strict 2010 German Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung noise regulations for unrestricted airport operation in Germany and other European countries.