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VistaJet has renewed its commitment to cleaner aviation, its pledge to be carbon neutral by 2025 and its resolve to address sustainability issues in the industry. To capture the progress the company has made with its market-leading environmental sustainability initiatives, VistaJet has published 'A 2022 Action Handbook for Change in Business Aviation'.
The white paper was developed in collaboration with climate solutions provider and carbon project developer South Pole. It examines in detail how the aviation sector should respond to the climate crisis and identifies real solutions, including the most effective ways for private jet companies to minimise the industry's carbon footprint. It also looks at aviation's current and potential future environmental impact, analyses the industry's plan and provides concrete recommendations for businesses in the sector.
At a top-level, airlines need to increase their adoption of SAF, which is key to aviation's decarbonisation pathway and can reduce carbon emissions by up 85 per cent. They must demonstrate transparency and progress through auditing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and report in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). And they should complement the reduction of greenhouse gas through investment in climate action projects that adhere to the highest standards and drive the transformation towards a net zero future, while also catalysing positive impact on local communities.
VistaJet's white paper also provides updates on the significant progress the company has made towards its 2025 carbon neutrality goal, how it manages climate-related risks and how it goes beyond compliance with environmental regulations to provide a more sustainable flying solution for its customers.
Since VistaJet's last update in April 2021, the business has maximised fleet optimisation to improve fuel-efficient consumption by eight per cent; refined its fleet sharing model to continue driving fleet efficiencies; and has added 10 new Global 7500 aircraft, the first business jet to have a third-party verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). It has also worked to make the adoption of carbon offsetting by VistaJet members grow to over 85 per cent; ensured single-use items are kept to a bare minimum, having achieved an over 90 per cent reduction in their use; continued to advocate externally for the widespread adoption of SAF in the industry; and continued its policy of full transparency, publishing in full its GHG and TCFD reports.
Founder and chairman Thomas Flohr says: “The business aviation sector finds itself at a critical juncture. Together as an industry we can reshape the way we conduct business while providing an unparalleled level of service to our customers. We are proud of the progress we have made at VistaJet, and we hope that others will take our recommendations to heart. Businesses are rightfully being held accountable for their environmental impact, and with the publication of 'A 2022 Action Handbook for Change in Business Aviation',” VistaJet hopes to not only showcase what we believe needs to be done and how it can be done but also demonstrate that transparency in action is key.”