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Diamond Aircraft Industries

Diamond DA62

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GeoFly ups fleet commitment to SurveyStars
After one year and 400 flight hours of successful DA62 operations, GeoFly decided to add two more SurveyStars to its fleet. They will be replacing some of its turboprop assets.
GeoFly's DA62 SurveyStar.
Read this story in our May 2022 printed issue.

Magdeburg, Germany-based aerial survey company GeoFly is to purchase two DA62 SurveyStars from Diamond Aircraft Industries, to add to the one that has been in operation since February 2021.

“With the DA62 SurveyStar we have added an extremely versatile and flexible aircraft to our fleet," says managing director Aicke Damrau. "Based on the experience of one year of very successful operations with our existing DA62 SurveyStar, the decision to buy two more of the same type was very well-grounded. In times of limited raw materials and climate change, this aircraft is a big step in the right direction.”

Launch customer GeoFly signed for the first SurveyStar in June 2020 and the official handover took place in February 2021. The aircraft was equipped with a multi-sensor system for simultaneous data acquisition, the nose mount equipped with LiDAR and the 20 inch camera was equipped with a large format system.

It was the first Diamond DA62 aircraft to be adapted for the special requirements of aerial surveys, also incorporating EASA STC, 62-002; a new seating configuration that gives the operator in the rear seat increased eye-to-screen distance and a more comfortable seating position. The modifications were carried out specifically for the use of the high-performance cameras and laser scanning systems, used in the field of 3D analysis of cities and the classic production of aerial maps.

The wide speed range of between 90-195 kts allows for a very versatile utilisation of the aircraft. It can be used for low and slow missions that are normally flown by piston aircraft, but also for high and faster missions that may be flown by turbine powered platforms. The DA62 SurveyStar performs all missions more cost efficiently and more environmentally friendly in terms of emissions and noise.

“Having GeoFly as the launch customer for the SurveyStar turned out to be a great success story," adds Diamond Aircraft Austria sales manager, special mission aircraft division Mario Spiegel. "Its operational feedback could be implemented on its new survey aircraft. Designed as a dedicated aerial survey platform from the very beginning, the aircraft has now become an even better workhorse for the industry. Buying a factory new airplane is usually uncommon for most aerial survey companies, so the decision of the launch customer to expand its DA62 SurveyStar fleet within only one year is the best proof for the value of this aircraft.”

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