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West Star communicates better via app
Customers can now access AOG services via email and phone on West Star's enhanced app. They can keep in the loop on aircraft projects and make use of a wider range of communication tools.

US MRO specialist West Star Aviation's enhanced mobile application is designed to deliver a new level of functionality and act as a valuable communication tool for customers.

This revamped app features several new functions that users will find valuable, including streamlined access to AOG services via email and phone. AOG customers can also complete a work authorisation form right from their mobile phone. It enables access to the ServiceEdge online customer portal that provides in-depth information on aircraft projects in-work, and to the Connect database to make finding the right contact at the right location easy. Users can share contacts, add to favourites or even add to their phone for easy, quick access later.

Additionally, users can activate push notifications within the app to access expert tips, exclusive content and promotional content. There is even access to the detailed information on West Star locations as well as the Careers page for up-to-date job postings throughout the enterprise.

“Much more than just a refreshed graphics, we redesigned our new mobile app to be a true communication tool that is meant to be useful to our customers, no matter where they operate,” says vice president, marketing Debi Cunningham. “Putting truly useful tools in the app is yet another tangible way that we are taking our focus on communication and customer service to the next level.”

The app will automatically update for users that had the previous version. For new users, the app is available for download in the Apple store now and the Android version will be available in the Google Play store once complete.

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