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Safran digitises helicopter engine monitoring
Safran is launching My Engine Dashboard and Logbook Viewer digital services, accessible from its EngineLife Customer Portal. They give customers tools to facilitate the daily management of their helicopter engines.
My Engine Dashboard and Logbook Viewer help customers manage their Safran helicopter engines.

Safran Helicopter Engines is launching two new digital services, My Engine Dashboard and Logbook Viewer, accessible from its EngineLife customer portal. The services will provide customers with tools to facilitate the daily management of their Safran Helicopter Engines.

My Engine Dashboard is an engine-centric management interface. It provides access to all the information available on the EngineLife customer portal for each engine. This interactive dashboard includes reference documents associated with the equipment consulted, engine health and operating data, and the status of commercial requests.

Logbook Viewer provides the paperwork associated with equipment leaving the Safran MRO workshops in digital format. Once the equipment is ready for shipment the appropriate documents, such as an engine logbook or module registration form, are posted on the EngineLife portal, enabling customers to anticipate administrative and regulatory tasks required to get their helicopter back in the air.

Safran vice president, support and services Sébastien Jaulerry says: "The launch of My Engine Dashboard and Logbook Viewer reinforces our commitment to facilitating the operation of our engines. They complement our EngineLife family of services for helicopter engines, which also includes health monitoring, for tracking engine health parameters, and Web IETP, which provides online access to all our technical documentation.

Safran Helicopter Engines is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers, and we will continue to develop new services to enhance the customer experience associated with every Safran helicopter engine."

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