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Baldwin finds value in its safety monitoring programme
The results of Baldwin's annual safety culture assessment were higher for those who had taken part in its Safety Performance Monitoring programme. The report and SPMP will be the topic of an upcoming podcast.

In its safety culture survey, Baldwin Safety and Compliance has reported that operators participating in its Safety Performance Monitoring Programme (SPMP) received higher scores in the programme's annual safety culture assessment than organisations that do not participate.

The SPMP was first introduced by Baldwin in 2019 and involves mentoring as well as continuous monitoring of organisations by Baldwin's safety professionals. The programme utilises the algorithm-based Safety Monitor, which tracks key components of safety management to provide definitive information that an auditor, client and, most importantly, an operator can use to assess its SMS performance. The results are tangible and help operators attain an integrated safety culture like the Stage III IS-BAO and IS-BAH registrations.

The report is based on surveys conducted during 2021. There were 800 respondents, 111 of them being SPMP participants. The results reflected higher average scores by SPMP operators within the safety culture segment.

Baldwin director of safety Jason Starke says: “The driving factor behind these scores could certainly revolve around the increased effort toward a successful SMS that is inspired by the hands-on mentoring of the Baldwin safety team of experts as a function of the SPMP programme.”

He adds: “SPMP is available to all eligible Baldwin clients, and we are seeing quantifiable results that this recent survey confirms. To ensure that an operator's safety culture matures, you need engagement and commitment to the continuous improvement journey, and it's exciting to see that SPMP is helping operators achieve this goal.”

Baldwin's SPMP begins with an initial safety culture survey, developed with the assistance of academia, the FAA and safety experts, and an overall assessment as part of the entrance into the progressive monitoring programme. Thereafter the survey is administered periodically to provide an analysis and indicate the maturation of an organisation's safety culture.

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