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Expert on Globals ZenithJet passes transaction milestone
The ZenithJet team possesses expertise in numerous disciplines including manufacturing, sales, completions, refurbishment, operations, registration and residual value assessment, specialising in Bombardier Globals.
Nick Houseman says that OEMs are increasingly motivated to work directly with buyers and their advisors.

Bombardier technical oversight provider ZenithJet has announced its 152nd Bombardier Global mandate.

The team has now worked on 152 Bombardier Global transactions in less than 11 years, specifically two Global 7500s, the first Global 6500, 54 Global 6000s, 39 Global 5000s, 29 Global Express XRS and 27 Global Express.

The ZenithJet team possesses expertise in numerous disciplines including manufacturing, sales, completions, refurbishment, operations, registration and residual value assessment.

In response to market demand, the firm created the GAINS (Global Acquisition In-Service) programme uniquely for Bombardier Global buyers. Services encompass market assessment, aircraft identification, letter of intent and purchase agreement negotiation, oversight of pre-purchase inspection and discrepancy rectification, closing, refurbishment if required and entry-into-service. Thanks to GAINS, ZenithJet provides a single point of accountability, streamlines project management and delivers value for Global buyers.

“We are very pleased to announce this important milestone,” says president and founder Nick Houseman. “We worked on the first Global 7500 and, most recently, the first Global 6500 to enter service. Our team possesses an exceptional knowledge of Globals, and we have focused our efforts on this family of aircraft. We have the additional experience of operating Globals, thanks to our sister company Elit'Avia, which currently manages 10 Global aircraft. Today, there are about 850 Globals in operation worldwide, so the opportunities are very clear.

“Furthermore, the business aviation market is constantly evolving. A trend that we're seeing now is that OEMs are increasingly motivated to work directly with buyers and their advisors, versus engaging the services of brokers. This trend is beneficial for our clients because we deliver maximum value for prospective Bombardier Global buyers worldwide.”

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