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Mountainflyers invests in AS350B2 for sightseeing and charter
Swiss operator Mountainflyers has added an AS350B2 helicopter to its fleet. The aircraft will be used for the operator's flight school as well as sightseeing and VIP charter.
Read this story in our November 2017 printed issue.

Swiss operator Mountainflyers has added an AS350B2 helicopter to its fleet. The aircraft will be used for the operator's flight school as well as sightseeing and VIP charter. The company has been flying the type since 2009, and invested in a B3 and an H125 in 2015.

“In Switzerland most operators only have the B3 or H125, but for the sightseeing flights and charter we still have a market with the B2,” says CEO Christoph Graf. “We have enough power, and we are a bit cheaper than the other guys that have the B3. This is why we are still using the B2.

“For sightseeing the business is not bad, but for charter flights there are not many customers who like to fly single engine, so we have more requests from the twin engine market in our location. In May we also acquired a new A109SP. So now we can use almost anything; the B2, H125 or the A109. Between those types we can cover almost all requests.”

Mountainflyers' strongest OEM relationship is, however, with Robinson, operating five smaller helicopters including two R22s, two R44s and an R66.

Despite his recent investment in assets, Graf admits that it has not been a very busy year, and his industry colleagues are saying the same: “This year we have flown a bit less than 2016 and 2015. We don't really know why, but it has been across all parts of the business. We received fewer contracts, and fewer sightseeing and charter flights. So 2017 has been a quiet year. But I think this has been the case all over.”

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