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Polish skydiving club brings New Zealand's P-750 to Europe
A Polish skydiving club has group financed the purchase of a Pacific Aerospace P-750 skydiving aircraft by offering investment bonds to club members.
Read this story in our August 2016 printed issue.

A Polish skydiving club has group financed the purchase of a Pacific Aerospace P-750 skydiving aircraft by offering investment bonds to club members.

The club, Sky Camp, located near Poznan, required an additional aircraft to service the growing numbers of skydivers in its ranks, and several of its members admired the Pacific Aerospace product. A visit to Pacific Aerospace's factory in New Zealand confirmed the aircraft as the right choice, and the club sold investment bonds to members and friends to finance it.

“Basically, the P-750 can get skydivers in the air faster, then get back to the ground incredibly quickly to load up the next round of divers, making it super efficient,” says Pacific Aerospace general manager Mark Crouch.

“This sale opens a window of opportunity for the skydiving market; the P-750 is one of the most efficient skydiving planes out there and this is a chance to get the word out to communities.”

The Polish club ordered the P-750 with a high visibility paint scheme designed by Polish designer Kuba Konwent and painted by Craig Wickham and sons Ross and Paul in Hamilton, New Zealand.

The journey to ferry the aircraft took in Lord Howe Island, Brisbane, Alice Springs, Port Hedland, Cocos Keeling in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, Oman, Egypt and Greece.