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San Marino widens the options for PC12 owner
A PC12 used for private transport by an undisclosed Swiss owner, and operated by Fly 7, has been added to the San Marino aircraft register.

A PC12 used for private transport by an undisclosed Swiss owner, and operated by Fly 7, has been added to the San Marino aircraft register.

“It will also be authorised for training towards the type rating in our FTO (ATO) as our CAMO follows the EASA regulation on this aircraft,” says accountable manager for Fly 7, Yves Roch. “And this PC12 is in our flying club, Seven Aviation, along with two Swiss-registered aircraft.”

The owner never flies alone, but he does hold an FAA licence and the San Marino CAA recognises FAA and JAA licences, so he can be the captain on board.

Also, says Fly 7, a Swiss company can be registered as the owner which helps the local VAT process. “The San Marino people were efficient, fast and friendly… and that could be reason enough to register an aircraft there,” adds Roch.

“I don't see any reason to change all the fleet [to San Marino registration] as we have very good relationship with FOCA, but this question will clearly come for the new coming aircraft. Who knows? As San Marino wants to become commercial in 2015 it could be an opportunity for an AOC mono turbine IFR. We have currently applied for an AOC VFR in Switzerland but I am not sure that FOCA will take the risk to issue an AOC IFR within EASA like the Finnish CAA did.”

Speaking about the new registration, president of the San Marino Aircraft Registry David Colindres says: “This is great news that we have a major Swiss corporation registered with us. Since the launch of the San Marino registry at MEBA we have entered into discussions with many aircraft owners and this registration is a sure sign that they can see the benefits of registering their aircraft with us.”