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Rampmaster puts fully electric refueller into service at Signature Vail
The5,000 gallon jet refueller will be delivering SAF at Signature at its Eagle County Regional airport location. Rather than a diesel engine, it has an electric motor and hydraulic pump powered by lithium batteries.
The refueller truck's power, pump and tank modules easily swap out for maintenance, repair, upgrade or overhaul.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

Rampmaster, a manufacturer of aircraft refuelling solutions, is to deliver the industry's first zero emissions full electric 5,000 gallon jet refueller truck to Signature's Vail location at Eagle County Regional airport in Colorado.

Signature has ambitious targets in developing sustainable solutions for aviation throughout its global network, as the industry leader in sustainable aviation fuel and the first aviation company to achieve operational carbon neutrality in 2022. Integrating electric jet refuelling trucks aligns with significant investments Signature has made in electrifying its ground support equipment, which includes the largest fleet of electric tugs in aviation.

"The introduction of the aviation industry's first zero emissions electric jet refueller is another transformative step towards our net-zero goals using our innovation test bed at Signature Vail," says COO Brad Williams. "Our collaboration with Rampmaster exemplifies how we're working with our partners and guests to research, invest and bring to market innovative technologies to help create a more sustainable future in aviation."

Rampmaster's electric vehicle refueller supports the aviation industry's commitment to operational net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 by replacing the diesel engine with an electric motor and hydraulic pump powered by lithium batteries. Its ultra innovative design includes a roof-mounted battery chiller and blanket heater to sustain extreme hot and cold temperatures. It continuously monitors temperature and load for optimal battery utilisation, while maintaining the battery temperature at 76° F. The electric refueller gets a full battery DC fast charge in less than two hours that will power about eight hours of total pump refuelling run time.

"The partnership with Signature Aviation was strategic in developing our electric vehicle refueller with the only EV chassis, to date worldwide, meeting all EV aviation industry mandates while also establishing safety standards on airport," says CEO Leighton Yohannan. "Our patented modular refueller design and engine management system reduce cost and complexity. Signature Vail has been using Rampmaster's diesel refuellers with these features for many years, so it was seamless to integrate a more sustainable solution. Rampmaster was founded on the premise of always leaving the industry better than you found it by delivering high quality, innovative technology, safety and environmentally friendly product solutions."

Signature's Vail location has become a test bed for sustainable innovation within its global network, becoming its first terminal to achieve carbon neutrality in autumn 2022. This achievement was driven by on-site solar expansion, the establishment of a SAF supply chain to the Colorado area, as well as fleet and facility upgrades that helped to ultimately drive a 15 per cent reduction in fossil-fuel emissions at the location.

"Today is an important milestone for Eagle County Regional airport and Signature Aviation as we soar towards our shared community goal, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Eagle County by 50 per cent by 2030. The transformation to integrate Rampmaster's electric refueller takes a great deal of planning and commitment, and we commend Signature for its continued partnership and investments in sustainability at EGE," says airport director of aviation David Reid.

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