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General Atomics AeroTec Systems

Dornier Do228

BAN's World Gazetteer

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GA-ATS starts wing production for Do228 NXT
Production of the first series panel has started, while critical raw materials and system components for final assembly have already been acquired.
AS well as starting production of the Do228 NXT wing, GA-ATS will establish a supply chain of German and European suppliers.

The production of the wing of the new Do228 NXT by Germany-based General Atomics AeroTec Systems (GA-ATS) is underway. Following the start of fuselage production by Potez Aéronautique in France, GA-ATS is also making great progress in the in-house production of complex components.

The Do228 NXT development team has successfully milled and measured the first prototype panel for the wings and production of the first series panel has now started. Critical raw materials and system components for final assembly have already been acquired.

For General Atomics, it is not only a matter of developing and establishing a stable European supply chain, but also of expanding its own production and final assembly capabilities. For the Do228 NXT, the production of the control surfaces, as well as the final assembly of the wing itself and ultimately the assembly of the entire aircraft, will take place at the company's premises in Oberpfaffenhofen.

The planning for the assembly of the wing has already been completed and preparations are in the final stages. The necessary tools and equipment have been measured, set up and are now awaiting the first panels to be assembled.

"The start of production of the wing for the new Do228 NXT marks an important milestone for General Atomics AeroTec Systems," says managing director Erik Bollen. "Our dedicated team has worked hard to achieve this. We look forward to manufacturing the next generation of the Do228 here in Oberpfaffenhofen and providing our customers with a modern and versatile aircraft."

The Do228 NXT is a modern version of the Do228, combining established and proven elements with the latest technology.

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