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ExecuJet MRO Services Belgium

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Hutsebaut is promoted to regional VP For Europe at ExecuJet MRO
Matthijs Hutsebaut will be responsible for growing ExecuJet MRO Services Europe through more heavy maintenance work and by continuing to expand its AOG and line maintenance business.
Regional vice president for Europe Matthijs Hutsebaut.
Read this story in our May 2024 printed issue.

ExecuJet MRO Services Europe has appointed Matthijs Hutsebaut as regional vice president for Europe. He succeeds Christophe de Coppel who is now Dassault's MRO sales director for Europe, Middle East and Africa as well as Asia Pacific.

In his new role, Hutsebaut will be responsible for growing ExecuJet MRO Services Europe through more heavy maintenance work and by continuing to expand its AOG and line maintenance business.

"We're qualified and certified to respond to AOGs anywhere in the world, and that's how we aim to get more heavy maintenance work. Responding to an AOG efficiently, and getting the aircraft airworthy and quickly back into operation, develops a strong bond with the customer, creating an opportunity for us to secure scheduled heavy maintenance work later on. I look forward to the new role and working closely with the team and customers, existing and new," he says.

ExecuJet MRO Services Europe has an MRO centre at Brussels International airport that handles AOGs throughout Europe and Africa and does line maintenance, and another facility in the northern Belgium town of Kortrijk that does mostly heavy maintenance work including heavy checks on Cessna Citations and various Dassault aircraft types.

Hutsebaut first joined the company in February 2020 as finance manager and was instrumental in growing the business. In 2021 he was promoted to finance director, before this latest promotion.

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EASA certifies ExecuJet in Belgium for line maintenance on Globals
October 22, 2024
The fleet of Global series aircraft, both based in Belgium and transient, was sufficient to make it worthwhile adding EASA approval to the Belgium MRO organisation’s scope. It covers facilities in Brussels and Kortrijk.