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ExecuJet puts electric power on the ground at Le Bourget
With a complete array of all-electric ground handling equipment, the team at ExecuJet Paris are behind the Le Bourget FBO becoming Luxaviation Group's first fully electric European FBO.
ExecuJet has introduced the first fully electric ground handling equipment at Paris Le Bourget FBO.
Read this story in our February 2024 printed issue.

Luxaviation Group subsidiary ExecuJet France has received fully electric ground handling equipment (GHE) at its FBO in Paris Le Bourget airport, making it the first ExecuJet FBO with fully electric owned GHE in Europe.

The milestone comes as part of Luxaviation Group's target to achieve a 100 per cent GHE electrification in its FBOs by 2030. At its Paris FBO, the list of fully electric GHE includes ground power units, mototok, air stairs, luggage truck, toilet service, pushback tug and a portable water truck. It follows its FBOs in Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney, and sets a precedent for the rest of the ExecuJet FBOs, whose combined efforts have achieved almost 60 per cent of the target.

Patrick Hansen, CEO of Luxaviation Group, says: "We are very happy to have achieved this milestone, which contributes to our mission to provide outstanding and more sustainable business air travel experiences by fully electrifying our FBOs by 2030."

Caroline Demsar, deputy CEO of Luxaviation France, adds: "I'd like to extend a personal thank you to the team in ExecuJet Paris for achieving this milestone and becoming our first fully electric European FBO."

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