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Haymans joins JSSI for business development in Europe
Thomas Haymans is looking forward to working with the team on expanding JSSI's global presence and providing unmatched value to operators and flight departments in this market.
Director of business development, northern Europe and Malta Thomas Haymans.

Jet Support Services has appointed Thomas Haymans as director of business development, focused on northern Europe and Malta. Haymans joins JSSI with extensive experience in aircraft management and operations, and most recently served as director of owner relations at AllianceJet.

"Thomas' background and rich industry network will help strengthen client relationships in this key region," says Fabrice Roger, senior vice president of business development EMEA and Asia-Pacific. “His experience in operations and asset management shows that he understands our value proposition 'from the other side of the table'. His customer-focused approach and professional values align very well with our culture and team, and I am confident he will add tremendous value to our increasing focus in Europe.”

“As I've come to know JSSI over the years, I am continually impressed with the company's vision to give owners and operators worldwide flexible options for their maintenance needs and transparent data to make informed decisions,” adds Haymans. “I look forward to working with this team on expanding our global presence and providing unmatched value to operators and flight departments in this market.”

Haymans is fluent in French, Dutch, Italian and English. Prior to his role with AllianceJet, he held various industry leadership positions at Luxaviation and American Airlines. He holds a master's degree in sports and management and a bachelor's degree in international business.

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