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Soneva leases Twin Otter for Maldives operations
The Soneva team are on a journey towards zero emission aviation, having leased a Twin Otter from Monte for operations in the Maldives.
The DHC Twin Otter will operate between Malé to Soneva's resorts in the Maldives.

Maldives-based luxury resort operator Soneva Holdings has taken delivery of one DHC-6-300 aircraft on lease from Monte Aircraft Leasing. The aircraft will operate routes from the capital Malé to Soneva's resorts in the Maldives.

The two companies will also explore the conversion of Soneva's current fleet to zero emission propulsion technologies. Soneva is the latest operator to sign such a partnership with Monte, as it looks to reduce emissions from its operations in line with its sustainability goals. Monte will identify the most suitable zero emission propulsion technology, and will offer financing for the conversion of Soneva's fleet once this technology is approved and certified.

In June this year, Monte and ZeroAvia agreed to retrofit nine to 19 seat aircraft with ZA600 powertrains starting in 2025. The lessor is also providing financing, infrastructure, maintenance and hydrogen availability services to support these operations. That same month, Monte also signed a letter of intent for up to 30 all-electric commuter Alice aircraft from Eviation.

Last November, Monte announced its intention to purchase 40 modification kits from Cranfield Aerospace Solutions to convert Britten-Norman Islanders to hydrogen-electric power, and the month before that it placed a firm order with Ampaire for twenty five Eco Caravans with an option for a further twenty five.

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