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Partnership puts paper records through digitisation
This will help more operators begin their transition to digital maintenance record keeping, while providing efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Reno, Nevada-based aviation digital logbook provider Vision Aircraft Records and San Ramon, California-based on-site document scanning and management services company ARC Document Solutions are working together to offer a comprehensive solution for aviation maintenance record-keeping through Vision Aircraft Records' software and ARC's expertise in digitising paper documents.

The aviation industry is currently in a transition to digitise business aviation's maintenance records. One of the primary barriers to this transition has been the process of accessing legacy records. Transporting or shipping these records to a scanning facility can create financial and regulatory risk since aircraft logbooks are not insured, and the chain of custody can be problematic for regulatory reasons. Vision Aircraft Record's strategic partnership with ARC Document Solutions will offer secure, on-site scanning to streamline the conversion of paper records into digital.

“By partnering with ARC Document Solutions, we can offer our customers a complete solution for aviation record-keeping that is efficient, cost-effective and compliant with industry regulations,” says CEO Mark Leeper. “Our digital logbook platform combined with ARC's expertise and geographic resources will provide a streamlined solution for converting and managing aviation records.”

“ARC understands the necessity of security, flawless stewardship and technical expertise when it comes to converting paper aviation records into digital assets,” adds president and COO Dilo Wijesuriya. “Our capabilities were built to support innovators like Vision Aircraft Records, and our national service footprint will help it scale its solutions across the country.”

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