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Walle decides to embark on a Jaunt
Walle is currently working with the regulatory authorities and mapping out its first key routes for its air taxi service. It is working with Jaunt Air Mobility to provide advanced air mobility transit services in Italy.
The two companies are aiming to significantly cut travel times.

Italian startup Walle Mobility is partnering with US eVTOL OEM Jaunt Air Mobility to provide advanced air mobility transit services in Italy. Walle plans to operate an urban air taxi service by 2026, focusing on routes within 50 km.

“Our goal is to change the future of mobility,” says Domenico Gagliardi, founder and CEO of Walle. “Italy, as in much of Europe, is challenged by the time it takes to travel from outside a city to an urban centre, often costing two or more hours one way, and the problem is only growing. Going Vertical into the sky is the obvious answer. We believe the Jaunt Journey by Jaunt Air Mobility offers a solution that meets with our core values of providing a safe, comfortable and ultra-quiet ride for passengers.”

Jaunt CEO Martin Peryea adds: “Walle is a perfect strategic partner; our mission at Jaunt is to produce the safest and most efficient eVTOL on the market and work with operators around the world. We feel confident in our ability to commercialise our aircraft by 2026. The unique configuration of combining a fixed-wing airplane and single slow-rotor technology gives us revolutionary performance and the highest level of safety amongst all the eVTOL contenders.”

Walle is currently working with the regulatory authorities and mapping out its first key routes for its air taxi service. One route is from Milan airport to the city centre of Milan, and another is from the Port of Naples to the island of Capri. Walle is also aiming to provide services for the Milano Cortina XXV Winter Olympics in 2026.

“We see business travellers and tourists utilising our services,” states Marco Pugliese, COO at Walle. “Our focus is entirely on the customer experience, and we believe safety will be a key in the adoption of this form of transit. Because Jaunt offers patented safety features and the ability to meet commercial and regulatory requirements, success is just around the corner.”

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