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CAE expands real-time virtual teaching programme
Introduced for helicopter platforms in 2016, CAE now offers online instructor-led maintenance training courses to more than 15 operators and 200 individuals. Maintenance technicians can study online anytime.
Read this story in our September 2020 printed issue.

CAE is expanding its live online instructor-led maintenance training programme, now available for Bombardier, Dassault and Gulfstream aircraft types and specific helicopter programmes. The courses offer real-time teaching in a virtual classroom setting where trainees can interact with a course instructor and peers.

“We are thrilled to expand our virtual classrooms to support business jet operators at a time when it is needed most. Maintenance technicians are now able to take advantage of high-quality instructor-led training online, keeping them healthy and their operations flying safely,” explains Nick Leontidis, CAE's group president, civil aviation training solutions. “Throughout the pandemic, we have strived to find new ways of delivering essential training, and this forward-thinking approach is a prime example of how we are supporting our customers during unprecedented times.”

Introduced for helicopter platforms in 2016, CAE now offers online instructor-led maintenance training courses to more than 15 operators and 200 individuals. Maintenance technicians can study anytime and anywhere with internet connection.

“Flexible schedules and online training solutions especially at a time when we need it the most, are ideal and beneficial for our maintenance technicians,” adds Brad Meineke, engineering manager P.T. Hevilift Aviation Indonesia. “CAE's virtual instructor-led comprehensive courses offer the latest curriculum by ensuring safety for our maintenance technicians.”

“CAE's online courses have allowed CHC the ability to maintain compliance to our regulatory and scheduling requirements for maintenance training despite the travel restrictions during these unprecedented times,” comments Fiona Lowndes, global engineer training manager, CHC Helicopter. “This online instructor-led training programme allows individuals countrywide to attend a single session, enables team engagement and is particularly beneficial for the team at CHC considering Australia's size and our remote bases of operation.”

CAE's online instructor-led courses are designed to offer maximum flexibility for maintenance training, including interactive demonstrations and courseware compliance to all regulatory and scheduling guidelines. The Webex-based platform gives the unique opportunity for maintenance technicians to arrange their learning process according to their needs and is regularly refreshed with up to date content.

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