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Avinode combines marketing and customer service
Picking up on recent trends, Avinode has set up a new customer experience team that will be lead by current head of marketing Alex MacRae.
Alex MacRae is now leading Avinode's combined marketing and customer support division.

Business aviation technology company Avinode Group has followed the example of technology giants like Spotify and Netflix by combining its marketing and customer support divisions to create a customer experience (CX) team. In so doing, the company hopes to build a fuller experience and enhance the value its products bring to customers and users.

In line with the new structure, head of marketing Alex MacRae has also become head of CX. She leads a team of 12 specialists in both areas and says: “Customers now expect a fully personalised service from brands at every point of engagement they have. Business aviation is renowned for its hands on, bespoke customer service, and this needs to translate into the digital age. By combining marketing and CX, we're ensuring Avinode Group's members are receiving relevant and meaningful communications from us both on and offline.

“Business aviation is also a very niche industry. As a B2B company, it is important that our members feel positively about the service they receive from us, so they will pass the word on to their colleagues and industry peers. Our new combined marketing and CX division will guarantee that our channels of communication are always open, so we're able to listen to our members, be relevant to their needs, understand how we can improve, and implement innovative solutions for them.”

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