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2019 traffic growth recorded by Milano Prime
Milano Prime has managed 24,500 business and general aviation movements during 2019 at its Linate and Malpensa airports; representing, it says, far higher growth than for other European airports last year.
The opening of the new Milano Prime terminal at Malpensa in July generated an increase in flights of 85.5 per cent.

Business and general aviation traffic at Linate Prime and Malpensa Prime, the two airports managed by Milano Prime, registered overall growth of 19.4 per cent in December 2019. The growth was 16.8 per cent in Linate and 34.8 per cent in Malpensa. This result is particularly significant in comparison to the average increase of European business and general aviation airports recorded by WingX of 2.9 per cent.

In 2019 the opening of the new Milano Prime terminal at Malpensa in July generated an increase in business and general aviation flights of 85.5 per cent. This figure includes approximately 5,300 movements that, during the three-month closure of Linate airport, were re-protected in the new Malpensa GAT.

At the same time a new service at Malpensa Prime was launched that, with the authorisation of the airport authorities, has allowed over 500 commercial aviation VVIP passengers in five months to utilise the new Milano Prime GAT, benefiting from the facilities and services normally dedicated to business and general aviation passengers.

In 2019, 24,500 business and general aviation movements were managed at both Milano Prime airports, with an average of approximately 70 movements per day, confirming Milano Prime's fifth place in Europe.

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SEA Prime has handled 27,000 movements this year, an impressive return. It is making several improvements to its infrastructure, including a reduction of energy consumption in the hangar and a larger apron at Linate.