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Piaggio Aerospace

P180 Avanti

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Toldo at Centoco takes first EVO
According to a recent sale agreement, Piaggio will keep the option to lease-back the Avanti EVO it has sold to Centoco for its commercial needs in North America. Centoco is looking to operate commercially under an AOC.

Piaggio Aerospace has sold and delivered a new Avanti EVO to Centoco Holding, a group headquartered in Windsor, Ontario in Canada.

The EVO was produced in 2018 and up to now has been used for marketing activities and demonstration flights in the United States. According to the sale agreement, the Italian manufacturer will still keep the option to lease-back the Avanti EVO for its commercial needs in North America.

“I have been looking with interest at this distinctive Italian aircraft since its entry into service,” explains Centoco chairman Anthony G. Toldo. “Not only is it the fastest turboprop, but it has incredibly low operational costs and is eco-friendly.”

Extraordinary commissioner of Piaggio Aerospace Vincenzo Nicastro adds: “After the recent announcements of new orders for the Avanti EVO, the decision by Mr. Toldo to choose our aircraft is a clear sign that there is a growing interest, especially in North America, around the Avanti EVO and its unmatched performances. We have now a clear perception that we are doing the right things to rebuild trust around the company and its future.”

Centoco aims at operating the aircraft for commercial purposes under an AOC. This will be the first Avanti EVO to be based in Canada, a country where seven Avantis are currently operated.

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In 2023, Baykar ranked among the top 10 exporters in Turkey across all sectors, achieving $1.8 billion in exports. Its acquisition of Piaggio Aerospace should finally sure up the future of the Italian manufacturer.