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Twin Diamond acquired for Egnatia training fleet
The six new Diamond aircraft on order by Egnatia Aviation will, it hopes, help it to address the rise in demand it expects for pilot training over the next 20 years.
Egnatia Aviation has added six Diamond aircraft to its fleet, among them a DA42-VI.

Greek flight training company Egnatia Aviation is expanding its current Diamond fleet with another six Diamonds; one twin DA42-VI and five single DA40 NGs equipped with jet fuel piston Austro engines and Garmin G1000 NXi avionics systems.

“It is a strategic decision to actively address the booming pilot demand for the next 20 years. Therefore we have placed an order for six new Diamond aircraft, which will be delivered by the end of 2019, with the option for another six for 2020,” explains director Dimitris Lymperakis. “This will increase our fleet to 22 aircraft, forming one of the biggest and youngest fleets of Diamond aircraft globally. Our commitment to provide the highest level of airline pilot training and, at the same time, significantly increase our capacity, can only be achieved by teaming up with leading partners in the market. The proven efficiency and performance of Diamond aircraft made it an easy decision for us.”

Diamond Aircraft Austria sales and marketing director Amila Spiegel adds: “It is a great pleasure to continue our partnership with Egnatia Aviation, which has been going for almost 10 years already. We want to thank the company for its trust in our training aircraft that allow it to offer comprehensive training programmes for both single engine and multi engine aircraft with modern controls and instruments in an aerodynamic, safe and innovative airframe.”

Egnatia Aviation provides commercial pilot training to the cadets of major airlines such as Olympic Air, Aegean Airlines, Iraqi Airways and Wizz Air from Kavala International airport.

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