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EAA repatriation missions go from strength to strength
Luxembourg-based European Air Ambulance (EAA) is enjoying the benefits of moving to new facilities on the airfield at Luxembourg airport.
Read this story in our March 2016 printed issue.

Luxembourg-based European Air Ambulance (EAA) is enjoying the benefits of moving to new facilities on the airfield at Luxembourg airport. Air ambulance operator EAA's aircraft flew a total of 792 missions from 82 countries in 2015; the majority involved flights in Europe, but a significant number were from Africa, Russia and the CIS. In fact, EAA flew missions all over the world, including to the Middle East, India, central and south east Asia, going as far as South Korea and Japan, as well as most parts of the American continents.

Repatriation accounted for 599 flights, with a further 123 missions carried out for organ transplant teams and 68 flights for the repatriation of Luxembourg Air Rescue members. The company also flew two humanitarian missions, including the transport of a suspected Ebola patient for the European Commission. To facilitate these flights EAA reconfigured two LearJet 45XRs to accommodate an infectious disease unit.

The Luxembourg airport facility incorporates three hangars, including a 1,300 sqm operations hangar, a 1,500 sqm maintenance hangar with crane and a smaller 800 sqm space for logistics. The hangars can house up to five Learjet 45 aircraft and four helicopters.

In addition, a 3,500 sqm head-quarters building has been inaugurated, which is home to a control centre and crisis rooms. The spacious facility includes an aeromedical simulator, training rooms and a medical ward with two intensive care beds for care during wing-to-wing transfers.

Towards the end of 2015 EAA announced that it would become a branch of Luxembourg Air Ambulance following the departure in December 2014 of EAA founding member DRF Luftrettung from the group, which enabled the operator to streamline its legal structures.

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