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Capacity of R66 enhances Heli Sitterdorf's mountain missions
Swiss-based Heli Sitterdorf has taken delivery of a Robinson R66 helicopter for sightseeing and mountain training.
Read this story in our April 2015 printed issue.

Swiss-based Heli Sitterdorf has taken delivery of a Robinson R66 helicopter for sightseeing and mountain training. The company has operated the R22 and R44 single piston types for a number of years, and chief pilot Guido Brun rates the turbine rotorcraft very highly. “Investing in the same line of helicopters made sense, and the R66 is absolutely awesome,” he comments. “We are using it for lots of type ratings, and mountain training with two or three students in the helicopter. Its performance at high altitude is fantastic: last week we landed at 13,500 ft with full fuel and four passengers.”

In addition to the extra passenger capacity, the R66 also has a sizeable baggage compartment. Brun says it is far better suited for sightseeing than the single piston Robinson models, with which he was only able to offer mountain training to one student at a time.

Over the last year Heli Sitterdorf has developed and published its latest mountain training methods and hopes to expand its training programme in the coming years. The mountainous terrain is Brun's greatest challenge.

Along with Sitterdorf, the operator has bases in Zurich and Speck-Fehraltorf. It currently operates one EC120, seven Robinson single pistons and the R66. “Our business is instruction first and foremost, with some commercial passenger flights and private charter for pilots,” he concludes.