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P180 Avanti

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Russian inspectors harness Avanti's economy and range
JSC Flight Inspections and Systems, the Russian company which provides flight inspection and calibration services, has taken delivery of its first Piaggio P.180 Avanti II and ordered a further five of the specially adapted aircraft, to be delivered from 2012.

JSC Flight Inspections and Systems, the Russian company which provides flight inspection and calibration services, has taken delivery of its first Piaggio P.180 Avanti II and ordered a further five of the specially adapted aircraft, to be delivered from 2012.

The company is responsible for inspecting ground-based navigation, radar and communication systems in the CIS territories and already operates an extensive fleet of laboratory-equipped aircraft. It covers all civil aerodromes throughout the Russian Federation.

Alberto Galassi, ceo of Piaggio Aero, said: "We are delighted to begin our partnership and cooperation with JSC FIS, whose work is so essential to the strategic development of the Russian aviation sector. This first delivery confirms how well suited the Avanti II flight inspection aircraft is to the rigorous requirements of Russian flight calibration missions."

Piaggio says that the Avanti II has a range of 1,470 nautical miles IFR, equating to up to 4.5 hours flight time, while having 40% lower fuel consumption than an equivalent turbofan aircraft. The aircraft is also certified for rapid landing procedures, an essential factor in missions for radio measurement and the calibration of airport control systems.

Three of the special mission flight inspection versions are currently in service with ENAV, the Italian air traffic control agency. In flight inspection configuration the Avanti II has equipment to test ILS, VOR, MLS, DME-P, VDF, UHF and UF comms, PAPI, landing light systems, airport lights, surface radar, various types of GNSS systems, radio interference monitoring and signal quality monitoring.

The Avanti II achieved certification in Russia in September.

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