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Successful BGAD show names the day for 2012
The next Business & General Aviation Day at Cambridge airport is to be held on Tuesday 18th September 2012, and will aim to build on this year's highly successful show.

The next Business & General Aviation Day at Cambridge airport is to be held on Tuesday 18th September 2012, and will aim to build on this year's highly successful show.

Around 500 business aviation delegates converged for what has now evolved into an annual gathering, and once again enjoyed an informal but professional networking opportunity with aircraft, exhibits and seminars.

About a hundred delegates took the opportunity to listen to and discuss all aspects of business aviation during the forthcoming Olympics with a distinguished panel of experts. PrivateFly entertained visitors aboard a historic London bus, while inflight cookery service Alison Price On Air gave a demonstration. "I love the open and laid back atmos-phere," says Magnus Henriksson of Avinode, who presented an analysis of the current air charter market.

Cambridge airport announced that it will be one of just five regional airports in the UK capable of accepting business and passenger services with a 24/7 slot allocation during the 2012 Olympics period. It will be able to accommodate over 200 movements a day. 

The airport aims to attract charter operators, government fleets and private owners with the opportunity to pre-purchase guaranteed parking slots with a one-time fee that also includes all landing and take off costs.

Business aviation movements at Cambridge have grown year on year by 15%, and fuel sales are up by 37%. "Currently operators and private owners are driving the new business movements and many charters are originating in France and Germany," says airport director Archie Garden.