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LifeFlight Engineering and Technical Services   (Australia)

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News from Business Air News
LifeFlight goes on the hunt for licensed engineers
December 2, 2024
LifeFlight is seeking six new Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAMEs) qualified to work on its fleet of AW139s. They will join a 60-strong workforce made up of 50 licensed engineers and 10 apprentices.
$26m LifeFlight maintenance facility launched at Archerfield
August 12, 2024
Its heli crews completed more than 3,300 missions in FY24; that means a lot of maintenance is required to ensure the choppers are at peak operability. LifeFlight now has the largest hangar at Archerfield airport.
Queensland government invests sizeable sum in LifeFlight
June 5, 2023
The record funding arrangement gives certainty to Queenslanders that for the next 10 years, the vital search, rescue and aeromedical services provided by LifeFlight will continue to operate, bringing equity of health care.
April 16, 2023LifeFlight secures long term international engineering standard
March 24, 2023LifeFlight works towards Brisbane base at Archerfield
May 10, 2022LifeFlight Engineering Part 145 approved by CASA
June 24, 2021LifeFlight authorised to maintain ‘hero gear’ for rescues
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