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Lilium GmbH

Lilium Jet

BAN's World Gazetteer

The monthly news publication for aviation professionals.

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Lilium Jet draws interest from island nations and for congested commutes
Lilium's EBACE stand was packed every day as it showcased a full size model of the Lilium Jet for the first time ever. Reiner Ohler talks about putting it into service.
The debut of Lilium's full size model Lilium Jet.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

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Lilium and GE Aerospace to deliver eVTOL flight safety together
October 23, 2024
Combining flight data and analytics platforms will inform eVTOL flight safety standards; GE’s Event Measurement System will be used by all Lilium Jet operators, as well as for the OEM’s own flight test campaign.
Lilium powers first jet towards first flight
October 3, 2024
The systems power-on paves the way for the start of the ground testing campaign. The first Lilium Jet, MSN 1, will be used to confirm safety for a first piloted flight in early 2025, for which MSN 2 is in final assembly.
Lilium tests integration of electrical power system
August 25, 2024
While the first two Lilium Jets take shape on the production line, engineers are verifying the design of the aircraft's core powertrain functionalities that will support certification according to EASA's SC-VTOL rules.