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Data comms upgrade for Hawker 4000 earns STC approval
This program allows pilots to communicate more easily with air traffic controllers and utilise the most current Data Link services offered in North America and Europe.
The FAA has approved Textron's STC of a fully integrated FANS and Protected Mode Controller Pilot Data Link Communication programme for Hawker 4000s equipped with the Honeywell Primus EPIC integrated cockpit.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

The FAA has granted STC approval to Textron of a fully integrated Future Air Navigation System (FANS) and Protected Mode Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (PM-CPDLC) programme for Hawker 4000 aircraft equipped with the Honeywell Primus EPIC integrated cockpit. This programme allows pilots to communicate more easily with air traffic controllers and utilise the most current Data Link services offered in North America and Europe.

"The new cockpit technology upgrade for Hawker 4000 business jets reduces pilot workload and offers improved efficiency," says Brian Rohloff, senior vice president, customer support. "Our team is committed to supporting customers throughout their ownership experience, and we made this option available through our global service network based on their feedback."

The FANS 1/A+ and PM-CPDLC programme features:

- Ease of operation by quickly and accurately loading complex instructions into the aircraft flight management system with the push of a button.

- Support for future FAA next gen Data Communication capabilities.

- Trajectory-based operations.

- Improved re-routing of aircraft around severe weather events and traffic congestion.

- Prioritised departure clearances that can save several minutes of wait time before take off.

PM-CPDLC is similar to SMS text messaging used on a personal cell phone. The technology uses prescribed text messages to enable pilots and air traffic controllers to request and authorise clearances and flight plan changes quickly and accurately.

Customers can complete the programme installation at selected domestic Textron Aviation service facilities.

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