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Astronautics' connectivity becomes available for all helicopter platforms
AeroSync Mission provides helicopter operators an in-air and on-ground, Wi-Fi and cellular hotspot for connecting air ambulance crew to hospital trauma teams, enabling mobile offices and for IFE.
Read this story in our April 2024 printed issue.

Astronautics Corporation of America has launched its Federal Aviation Administration technical standard order-approved AeroSync Mission connectivity system as an aftermarket solution for all Part 27 and 29 helicopters.

AeroSync Mission provides helicopter operators an in-air and on-ground, Wi-Fi and cellular hotspot that supports a variety of use cases, including connecting air ambulance medical crews to hospital trauma teams, enabling mobile offices requiring internet connectivity, and providing in-flight entertainment.

Astronautics also supports AeroSync Mission operators with a subscription-based cellular data plan. The plan offers global connectivity in partnership with internet service providers in dozens of countries around the world, offering operators an easy and cost-effective means to get and stay connected while in the air. AeroSync wireless devices have also achieved regulatory certification for cellular and Wi-Fi operation for the majority of countries in the world.

“Why select Astronautics' AeroSync versus another connectivity solution?” asks Josh Berrian, Astronautics' senior product line manager for connected application solutions. "As a line-fit connectivity provider for major helicopter and fixed-wing original equipment manufacturers, our solution comes with a proven pedigree of deployment on multiple platforms, the highest level cybersecurity protection, proven cellular performance and radio certification regulatory compliance. Additionally, AeroSync Mission production is geared for long-term customer support, and we plan to enable our customers' connectivity needs for decades to come.”

AeroSync Mission's optional features include: video streaming, video storage, aircraft data collection and export, and engine data diagnostic services. Astronautics specialises in customising connectivity solutions to meet customer needs.

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