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Robinson Helicopter Company

Robinson R66

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R66 empennage passes muster with FAA
Robinson is working with civil airworthiness authorities around the world to obtain foreign validations. As these regulatory approvals are obtained, foreign-registered R66s will be delivered with the new empennage.
Robinson has been at the forefront of rotorcraft technology for half a century.

Robinson Helicopter Company has received FAA certification of a new empennage configuration for its R66 turbine helicopter. Following years of development and testing, the new empennage provides enhanced roll stability during high-speed flight. The configuration replaces the existing 2,000-hour TBO horizontal stabiliser with a 4,000-hour TBO symmetrical horizontal stabiliser mounted on the tailcone and positioned forward of the original.

The new empennage configuration is standard on all new production FAA-registered R66 turbine helicopters and will include a new 4,000-hour TBO tailcone. Commencing with R66 S/N 1279, Robinson will begin delivering FAA-registered R66 production aircraft with the new empennage and tailcone.

Robinson is working with civil airworthiness authorities around the world to obtain foreign validations. As these regulatory approvals are obtained, foreign-registered R66s will be delivered with the new empennage.

For more than 50 years, Robinson Helicopter has been at the forefront of the helicopter industry by delivering safety enhancing technologies including OEM-designed crash-resistant fuel cells, 4K cockpit video cameras, autopilot systems and NVG-compatible cockpits. Robinson is committed to developing, manufacturing and supporting the most reliable and efficient helicopters in the industry.

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