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Joby becomes first AAM firm to achieve IS-BAO
Joby has been active in IBAC's IS-BAO AAM working group and contributed to the adaptation process of the standard to the eVTOL sector. Its commitment to safety has resulted in its own safety registration.
The recognition signals a significant safety stamp.
Read this story in our June 2023 printed issue.

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) has congratulated Joby Aviation, a US company developing all-electric aircraft for commercial passenger service, on becoming the first advanced air mobility (AAM) company to achieve the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operators (IS-BAO) registration, which highlights its commitment to safety.

IBAC director general Kurt Edwards comments: “Joby Aviation is a leader in advanced air mobility. We congratulate it on achieving Stage I IS-BAO and look forward to working with it and others in this evolving aviation segment to demonstrate excellence in safety and continuous improvement.”

IS-BAO programme director Andrew Karas adds: “It's exciting to see Joby make this commitment to safety in its operation from the start. It has been active in our IS-BAO AAM working group and contributed to the adaptation process of the standard to this new sector. Our team has enjoyed working with the Joby safety team and admires their hard work and professionalism.”

Bonny Simi, head of air operations and people at Joby Aviation, says: “Achieving this milestone is an important step towards developing our operational muscle, and we're grateful to the team at IBAC for their leadership in this space.”

As the globally recognised voluntary safety standard, IS-BAO assists operators in applying industry best practices by challenging them to review and compare their safety-related policies, processes and procedures, and then make improvements, elevating them to a global standard. IS-BAO was developed by the business aviation community and is designed to promote high-quality operating practices by establishing a framework for effective safety and operational processes, providing tools to facilitate the implementation and deliver a safety management system (SMS) appropriate to all operational profiles.

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