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Robinson enhances audio alerts across the helicopter range
All new Robinson helicopters now provide the low-RPM horn as an audio alert through crew headsets rather than instrument panel-mounted speakers, allowing maximum heads-up flight.
Read this story in our June 2021 printed issue.

Recent updates to onboard instruments and audio systems have allowed Robinson Helicopter Company to incorporate enhanced audio alerts across its model lineup. All new Robinson helicopters now provide the low-RPM horn as an audio alert through crew headsets rather than instrument panel-mounted speakers. In addition, a headset audio alert for high RPM has been added.

New R66s also have a headset audio alert for high torque or high gas temperature. This alert is equivalent to the First Limit Indicator found in some larger turbine helicopters. It warns the pilot when nearing either operating limit without the need to continuously monitor multiple engine instruments. (Reaching the N1 RPM limit is highly unlikely in the R66.)

Robinson Helicopter Company president, Kurt Robinson notes, “Providing the warning as an audio alert rather than a visual indicator enhances safety by allowing maximum heads-up flight.”

Founded in 1973, Robinson Helicopter Company is the world's leading manufacturer of civil helicopters.

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