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DC Aviation

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DC demonstrates adaptability to keep customers flying
DC Aviation is monitoring and adapting to the travel regulations of each country as the COVID-19 pandemic develops, allowing passengers to travel between countries with differing restrictions and requirements.
Read this story in our October 2020 printed issue.

Earlier this year German operator DC Aviation introduced a programme of rapid COVID-19 pre-flight virus testing for all crew and flight support personnel. The measure was introduced to ensure that passengers have the knowledge that they can travel safely with DC Aviation. However, with travel restrictions and requirements changing on a weekly basis, DC has taken the strategy a step further by adding rapid testing for all flights, in any country, at any time. This means that no matter where the aircraft and crew are and how many stops are made, the passengers are secure in the knowledge that they are flying with a very low risk of exposure to the virus.

The company is closely monitoring and adapting to the travel regulations of each country, allowing passengers to travel between countries with differing restrictions and requirements. A key part of this strategy is that passengers' safety is top priority at all times, with gloves, masks and hand disinfectants being mandatory and available at every stage of the flight. All DC Aviation aircraft undergo an intensified cleaning and disinfection process after each flight.

CEO Michael Kuhn comments: “When we launched the rapid testing programme we were very pleased with the response from passengers. However, as passenger numbers have increased, the demand for flights to and from a greater variety of countries has also risen. This has meant that we have had to deal with a larger and more varied number of restrictions and regulations. Therefore, we have introduced the rapid testing programme for any flight, from any departure point. The health and safety of our passengers and crew is of paramount importance, and in order to maintain our standards we further refined the testing programme to ensure it is available for every flight."

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