Why visit ACE ’25?
International Business Aviation Council
Jet Aviation Brisbane
FBO/Handler (Brisbane International / Brisbane)
Jet Aviation Cairns
FBO/Handler (Cairns International / Cairns)
Jet Aviation Darwin
FBO/Handler (Darwin International / Darwin)
Jet Aviation Perth
FBO/Handler ()
Jet Aviation Sydney
FBO/Handler (Kingsford Smith / Sydney)
BAN's World Gazetteer
CanadaIn recognition of its high safety standards, Jet Aviation Australia has recently been awarded IS-BAH Stage I registration for all six of its national FBO ports, including Sydney, two in Brisbane, Darwin, Cairns and Perth. The IS-BAH safety management system establishes criteria to ensure that handling systems, processes and practices meet rigorous safety, security and professionalism standards.
“At a time when safety has never been more important or emphasised on a global scale, we are delighted to demonstrate our commitment to the highest safety standards for our customers and employees,” says Andy Gahan, general manager FBO operations, Australia.
“Gaining IS-BAH registration for our entire FBO network is another successful step in our newly created region's integration journey with Jet Aviation, bringing us ever-closer to our strategic global alignment goals. It's a significant operational achievement and a great credit to our FBO and SQEHS (security, quality, environment, health and safety) teams.”
Earlier this year, Jet Aviation also received IS-BAH Stage I registration for its Amsterdam and Rotterdam FBOs in The Netherlands. The company acquired both KLM Jet Center and Hawker Pacific in 2018.