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Fraser's long-lasting Bacoban could be ideal COVID combatant
Fraser Aerospace has always offered cleaning products for aircraft maintenance; however Bacoban and many of its products could be used for schools and shops, as companies continue to innovate in fighting COVID-19.

Bryan Ribbans, director at Fraser Aerospace, has been exceedingly busy since the Coronavirus update, as his company has developed Bacoban For Aerospace, a disinfectant that lasts for 10 days after it has been applied to a surface. The product has been in Fraser's product portfolio for a number of years, and is now very much coming in to its own amid the virus outbreak. “Bacoban has the advantage over ‘typical’ disinfectants in that it lasts for a long time after being applied to a surface, combatting most germs and viruses as they come in to contact. We have always believed that this product is essential on the war on germs and viruses in the aerospace industry, and of course the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 has, sadly, proved the point.

“Here at Fraser Aerospace, we have been working around the clock for the past weeks on order to deliver a regular supply of Bacoban to our partners and aerospace customers around the globe. The product is an effective treatment for continuous disinfection of aircraft cabins. Our product has the advantage over typical disinfectants in that it lasts for 10 days after being applied to a surface, combatting most germs and viruses as they come in to contact, which we have always believed that this is essential in the war on germs and viruses in the aerospace and other industries at this time.

“Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we are delighted that airlines, among many businesses, have come to the same conclusion that we have known for years; that Bacoban for Aerospace is an effective solution for continuous protection against bacteria and viruses. Once applied to a surface, Bacoban for Aerospace establishes an ultra-thin nanolayer with a lasting effect. The technology used is a sol-gel process that develops a solid gel nanolayer. The biocides used to kill germs and viruses are embedded in the porous structure of the sponge-like sol-gel and are washed out again slowly when coming into contact with water (bacteria, enveloped viruses, and fungi are always surrounded by water).

“So far, demand for Bacoban has been extremely high but we are determined to help our customers to continue flying by providing Bacoban against all odds. Our dedicated in-house team as well as our production manufacturers have been working 7 days per week to fulfil orders and will continue to do so to meet the demands of our customers and help them fight against the Coronavirus.

Following the cabin disinfection, the first passenger-carrying any virus can re-infect the aircraft, allowing the virus to be spread amongst passengers. This problem has now been reduced by using Bacoban. Fraser has also introduced a fogging formula that allows airlines or even airports, offices, hotels and restaurants to treat large areas. Entire aircraft cabins can be cleaned in a short time with this method. And for the airlines, when the time is right and route-flying re-commences, their customers can then use their services knowing they have greater protection against transmission of the virus from sharing door handles, dinner trays and so on.

Fraser has always offered cleaning products for aircraft maintenance; however Bacoban and many of its products could be used for schools and shops. “In a fast-paced world where we use tablets to sign for deliveries or use an iPad at the dentist to accept terms and conditions, we don’t always have time to disinfect items between each person handling them. Bacoban considerably reduces this issue," concludes Ribbans.