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Airplus pleased with turnout for first cluster meeting
Guests of airplus were treated to a hangar tour featuring background information about the aircraft maintenance, avionics, repair and refurbishment work in Friedrichshafen. Networking followed.
Multiple Swiss companies came together for the gathering, organised by airplus.

More than 40 participants from aerospace companies in Switzerland and the Lake Constance area attended the first joint cluster meeting hosted by airplus Maintenance at Friedrichshafen airport in Germany.

Benedikt Otte, CEO of Wirtschaftsförderung Bodenseekreis, opened the event with his welcome speech and led the moderation. The owner and CEO of airplus Maintenance Laurent Gauthier presented airplus Maintenance and the newly-created holding company European Air Service Group, emphasising the importance and role of business and general aviation.

“Does general and business aviation have a future in a climate change focused society? Absolutely, but it has to become cleaner,” Gauthier stated. “For that, we need more investment into aviation, not less and we need lobby work to improve our image.”

His speech was followed by Karsten Fischer from ddpConcepts, who then explained the importance of a good cooperation between EASA design organisations. Claus- Dieter Wehr, CEO of Friedrichshafen airport, also pointed out the great potential of the regional hub, while sales manager Florian Bauer of Diamond Aircraft presented the company's various aircraft models, including a DA62, which was exhibited in the hangar.